All of a sudden, I found myself thinking sociologically when i was at one of our football games. I had just got there and had started to head in to start walking to the stands where the squad was when i had noticed a group of guys all standing around talking and doing whatever they were doing when i had noticed that they were all pretty much dressed the same way and ontop of it all acting the same way and all doing the same stupid stuff, whether is was yelling at somone for no reason or just annoying someone cause thats what they do.
Well as i kept walking along i had thought to myself what is the point of doing all those things just to fit in rather than just being yourself and do things that are nice then annoying someone else or doing something stupid that would get you in trouble. So as i went on i had thought..well i guess thats how alot of people act when they are in groups of people they are always with and around because they are trying to fit in and be part of the group or croud so they don't stick out and look like the odd ball.
Kinda makes you wonder if they would be considered a subculture here at the high school.....