All of a sudden, i found myself thinking sociologically when I was sitting in lunch. I had been sitting there enjoying my lunch and all of a sudden my friend thought it would be funny to punch me cause we were all screwing around anyways just having a good time at lunch. (and i knew his was doing it to just joke around and such) So through out lunch he had kept doing it and i really didnt care that much cause i knew he was joking around and we were all just having a good time.
Then the next day it had happened again when my friend had started to punch me and we were all screwing around again just having a good time. When my friends sitting acrosse from me had started to punch me every so often too. and he had been punching me kinda hard in the sholder which then started to arritate my sholder and make it start to hurt. THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN IT SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE.......i think that the only reason that my friends sitting acrosse from me started to punch me to was becasue he thought it would be funny because my other friend was punching me to and i wasnt really caring that much and that he wanted to fit in and be like everyone else in the group. Then he had punched me one last time and i had, had it and i told him to stop punching me and he looked at me like i was stupid and why should he stop cause my othewr friend was doing to but he knew that i was seriouse and he had stopped.
So over all i had notice this i think out of all the other things that were going on because when my friend had started to punch me it was all because if he thought if my one friend was doing it that it would be ok for him to do it and he would fit in and everything would be ok. So that how i had caught myself thinking sociologically.
Can you think of how you might apply any of the perspectives of sociology to your experiences in the cafeteria?