Sunday, September 19, 2010


Above the influes helps kids stay away from drugs and teaches them to not do drugs and be safe and i picked this because there is so much out there that can hurt you and this is something to look up to and to tell youself to not to do drugs
Warning sign stating that all tobacco products are to not be used and help kids so they dont do drugs and that they stay away from these kinda things cause it can hurt them and possible kill them if used over a extended period of time 
koi represents perserverance in adversity and strength of purpose
Shows the dangers of stopping and being nice to hitch hickers could lead to a disaster cause you could be picking up a prisoner that could have a very distructive back ground in something horrible and frightning
Facebook is highly know by many teenage amercians and is used on a regular basis to communicate with others and this to me mean that facebook has grown very rapidly and has spred around the world and is used my millions of users

1 comment:

  1. You have a very unique bunch of symbols here. I've never thought of koi as a symbol of America before, but we could definately use a dose of peace and tranquility around here!
