Thursday, September 30, 2010

whats the heck is going on !?

All of a sudden, I found myself thinking sociologically when i was at one of our football games. I had just got there and had started to head in to start walking to the stands where the squad was when i had noticed a group of guys all standing around talking and doing whatever they were doing when i had noticed that they were all pretty much dressed the same way and ontop of it all acting the same way and all doing the same stupid stuff, whether is was yelling at somone for no reason or just annoying someone cause thats what they do.
Well as i kept walking along i had thought to myself what is the point of doing all those things just to fit in rather than just being yourself and do things that are nice then annoying someone else or doing something stupid that would get you in trouble. So as i went on i had thought..well i guess thats how alot of people act when they are in groups of people they are always with and around because they are trying to fit in and be part of the group or croud so they don't stick out and look like the odd ball.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Above the influes helps kids stay away from drugs and teaches them to not do drugs and be safe and i picked this because there is so much out there that can hurt you and this is something to look up to and to tell youself to not to do drugs
Warning sign stating that all tobacco products are to not be used and help kids so they dont do drugs and that they stay away from these kinda things cause it can hurt them and possible kill them if used over a extended period of time 
koi represents perserverance in adversity and strength of purpose
Shows the dangers of stopping and being nice to hitch hickers could lead to a disaster cause you could be picking up a prisoner that could have a very distructive back ground in something horrible and frightning
Facebook is highly know by many teenage amercians and is used on a regular basis to communicate with others and this to me mean that facebook has grown very rapidly and has spred around the world and is used my millions of users

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What I saw

All of a sudden, i found myself thinking sociologically when I was sitting in lunch. I had been sitting there enjoying my lunch and all of a sudden my friend thought it would be funny to punch me cause we were all screwing around anyways just having a good time at lunch. (and i knew his was doing it to just joke around and such) So through out lunch he had kept doing it and i really didnt care that much cause i knew he was joking around and we were all just having a good time.

Then the next day it had happened again when my friend had started to punch me and we were all screwing around again just having a good time. When my friends sitting acrosse from me had started to punch me every so often too. and he had been punching me kinda hard in the sholder which then started to arritate my sholder and make it start to hurt. THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN IT SLAPPED ME IN THE FACE.......i think that the only reason that my friends sitting acrosse from me started to punch me to was becasue he thought it would be funny because my other friend was punching me to and i wasnt really caring that much and that he wanted to fit in and be like everyone else in the group. Then he had punched me one last time and i had, had it and i told him to stop punching me and he looked at me like i was stupid and why should he stop cause my othewr friend was doing to but he knew that i was seriouse and he had stopped.

So over all i had notice this i think out of all the other things that were going on because when my friend had started to punch me it was all because if he thought if my one friend was doing it that it would be ok for him to do it and he would fit in and everything would be ok. So that how i had caught myself thinking sociologically.

Bemused in America

1.Article is Bemused in America and the topic i examined is about a journalist that examines aspects of American culture.
2. What Stefan finds strange about the American culture is the speed limit cause in Germnay there is really no set speed limit. What also is strange to him is that there are signs everywhere telling him how to behave
3. I think that Stepfan finds the American culture strange because of when he used to live in German you everything is different and you can do different things and certain things are permitted and that you cando them whenever. Where as to in America there are alot of things that you cant do that are ok to go in Germany which is hard for Stefan. And also it may be different cause the way he might of lived in Germany might be different to how u can live in America.
4. Some American values that can be ralted are smoking cause you can only smoke in certain area due to rules and regulations that are set and care for the other people of the world. like at resturantsand bars and pretty much anywhere. Another one could be the way people live and do things in America as to how they live and do things in Germany. Driving could be another one cause in Germany they dont really have a set speed limit and it isnt very safe where here they have certain speed limits in certain place givig saftey to other. (like in constuction areas)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Helping others

Sociology is a matter of how people react and act in a groups. When my brother had started to work at WDSRA (Western Dupage Special Recreational Association) i wanted to know what it was about and always wonder what he did. He would come home from work everyday, which consisted of work with mentally challenged kids and adapted kids and working with them in either sports or different fun activities to work with the kids, teens and adults. So after hearing what my brother did i wanted to tag along and see it in action.
After Going to some of the adapted programs and helping out i had really got a kick out of it and enjoyed helping out. But the activity that i enjoyed the most and that my brother loved coaching was wheelchair basketball. So when going to practice with him i had got a chance to talk to the team and interact with them in practice and see what Wheelchair basketball is all about. I had work with them on different techniques and actually rode around and played in a wheelchair with the kids on the team and observing and playing with the them in a big group and seeing how they get along and and work together in groups/as a team being disabled either being if they were a paraplegic or had a spinal cord injury. But over all i loved working with the kids and the basketball team when my brother was working at WDSRA and not that he is coaching the men's basketball team at the University of Whitewater its a different experience helping out there. But over all working with them as a team and seeing how they react and work together in groups is absolutely amazing.