Thursday, October 28, 2010

Life Lesson

Responding to the article I have just read the whole time it struck me at at a younger age your really dont have any sense of what is right or wrong or a girl or boy to play with because they both always see to play together and do the same things because that is what they are used to and that it what they wanna do. And as their time progresses as a child all they think about and remeber is that they like the things they play with or like the things that they see others playing with cause it catched their attention. But as time progresses and they get older and it seems to be that they are still liking and doing the same things as they did when they were younger just means they haven't come out of their child minds yet and figured out the right and wrongs of what they are supposed to like whether it is a toy truck or if it is a barbie doll. Another thing that might factor this is the way that the parents teach them to either play with or what clothes they need to put on accourding to their gender. But all in all that is just the way younger kid are because they are born and don't know the right and wrong or the do's and don't or what things are reflected toward their gender because all they are doing is see what life is.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Everyday is something new

All of a sudden, i found myself thinking sociologically when i was at lunch. I was sitting at my table with the rest of my friends enjoying my lunch when my one friend next to me decided to start shooting food off of a blown up sandwich bag (kinda like a blob) just because one of the guys started doing it cause they thought it was funny. After i while i had started to notice that they were the only ones doing it the rest of the guys at the end of the table were doing it to and giving then stuff to shoot and encouraging and laughing along with them. When i had thought to myself the only reason they are shoot stuff off a blown up sand which bag it because my two friends were doing. And they were having fun and ontop of it not getting in trouble or caught by the teacher or who ever was on lunch duty that day. So over all that when i had caught my self thinking sociologically because all the guys at the one end of the table were all acting the same cause they all wanted to fit in at the moment when they were shoot stuff off of a blown up sandwich bag.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Just another day

All of a sudden, i found myself thinking sociologically when i was in my gym class. I had walked into gym class with a bunch on my mind when i had realized it was fitness day meaning another day not playing flag football. We had all dressed and got into the gym so the teachers could check who was there and who wasnt and when had then split into out groups. So me and my friends had picked to play basketball that day and we were all on a team together. So as we started to play basketball we were all having fun just playing and doing what we needed to do when it was time to switch to a different opponent to verse, when the opposing team had come and start to play we were all having a good time when all of the kids on the opposite team started to act weird and do stupid stuff and just screw around and do what they wanted. At that moment thats when i had noticed that all of the kids on that team were all acting alike just to fit in basue all of the guys were doing the same thing so the other guy thought "crap well they are doing those things so it must be ok for me to do the same thing" so they did so. And i had noticed this because all the guys on the team were acting alike just to fit in and go with the flow to fit into the group and do the same thing. Thats when i has found myself thinking sociologically.