hmm...and your point is?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
just another day at school!!
I was caught myself thinking sociologically when I was in gym class and it was a fitness day and we were playing basketball because it was one of the choices. As we started playing we did our usual thing as we played basketball where we would do crazy passes to each other behind the back and take our 3 point shots and our allieoops we were just all having a good time playing basketball and playing good together and succeeding, when all of a sudden the kids we were playing thought they could do the same thing and when they tried doing it they had the hardest time doing trick passes and all the cool things we were doing and thats when i was standing there saying they are doing the same thing we are doing just because we are doing so they figure hey if they can do it why dont we do that and try it. But in the end they just gave up with it and started to just have a good time with it and so did we because it was coming to the end of the gym hour. So thats when i caught myself thinking sociologically.
Monday, December 13, 2010
When It Goes Off!!!!!!
This short story was sent in London and this boy had to show his friend something that was going to happen and as they made their way to where they had to be the one boy was dragging his one friend that was following him and they had went to a bar and everything there was crazy and there were tons of people there drinking and there were so many people that not everyone could have a glass to drink from and then all of a sudden they all made their way out into the street and started moving toward a location (like a mob) and as they moved in a big crowd they were all very angry and pissed off becuase they were all searching for a man that had killed someone and if they had got their hands on him he would be tourtured and killed as well. As they all moved in a big crowd there was the police trying to keep them back and such and they are weapons that they were using and dgo they were using to keep the people back and at one point one of the children was struck acrosse the face with a chain that one of the police officer was swiming over their head. So over the period of time they were all moving angrily toward where everything was going to happen and something was going to break out they had to move down the street and get past the police and what they were trying to do to keep all those people back from doing what they were going to do.
Monday, December 6, 2010
oh man oh man oh man!!!
All of a sudden, I found myself thinking sociologically when i was in gym class and we had started a new unit and that unit was volleyball. So the teach had sat us down and started to talk to us about what we were going to be doing and then he started telling us the basics of volleyball. Like Bump,set,and spike. As he began to say that and then explain that you got the sudden roar of student going OHHH MANN!!!!!! that is boring lets just play games. So as the teach came to an end of explaining he had all the students grab a volley ball and start serving over the next the one another to get the feel of it and then we moved onto bumping and setting, Over all everyone was doing it but we were all screwing around while doing it because at least half the class or even more than half the class knew exactly what to do and had done it before. This here shows an act of deviance amongst the student because they werent doing what they were ask to do.So throughout the entire class period everyone was having a good time and screwing around. So among the whole gym hour that when I had found myself thinking sociologically, because all the student were acting some what the same to a certain extent by screwing around and having a good time but making it look like they are participating in gym and doing what they were supposed to be doing.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Drugs at a young age
In this article i have read for homework it talks about how there are many kids doing drugs these days no matter what race they are. They are also saying that a majoirty of them are of the ages or 16,17 or 18 and are treat upon request on where they are placed in the jail system. 17 year old are placed in juvie but can be moved to a adult prison upon their 17th birthday and 18 year olds are automatically transfered on their 18th birthday no matter what because they are of age. They have also witnessed kids at the age of 15 selling narcotics and that means that their driving privilages when they get older are reasoned with. So the way that they have been cracking down and tacking care of this situation has impacts the different ways they are taking care of the situtations.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
JAIL......dun dun it wasnt that bad
So my post this week is about our class field trip to jail and the court house. From the moment I had got the sheet of paper saying that we had a field trip and that it was going to be to the dupage county jail in the weirdest way i was a happy man but kinda scared at the same time cause i mean comon jail is not a place to be all hyped up about because you are going there. But anyways i had thought thatit was going to be the coolest thing in the world with the little bit of scared down in the pit of my stomach. So as we were on our way to jail i was thinking on the bus what is going to be the reactions of the inmate and they going to talk dirty to us and make us feel real scared or were they just going to stand there and looks at us, well as that time came upon us it seems that it was a little bit of both. But as the trip went on it had seemed like i had been everywhere in the jail and court houses which was the funnest part cause you got to walk into real court cases and visualize and see what they were like and how the people of the court do their jobs.
But over all i would have to say that going to jail was not only educational but also showed you that once you have been there because you wanted to be there is one thing but to be there because you did something that got you there is a whole nother way of thinking about it. So with the information that i had learned and visialized being in the court system but also going into the jail system was something that i will alway remember and that i had alot of fun with .
But over all i would have to say that going to jail was not only educational but also showed you that once you have been there because you wanted to be there is one thing but to be there because you did something that got you there is a whole nother way of thinking about it. So with the information that i had learned and visialized being in the court system but also going into the jail system was something that i will alway remember and that i had alot of fun with .
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Life Lesson
Responding to the article I have just read the whole time it struck me at at a younger age your really dont have any sense of what is right or wrong or a girl or boy to play with because they both always see to play together and do the same things because that is what they are used to and that it what they wanna do. And as their time progresses as a child all they think about and remeber is that they like the things they play with or like the things that they see others playing with cause it catched their attention. But as time progresses and they get older and it seems to be that they are still liking and doing the same things as they did when they were younger just means they haven't come out of their child minds yet and figured out the right and wrongs of what they are supposed to like whether it is a toy truck or if it is a barbie doll. Another thing that might factor this is the way that the parents teach them to either play with or what clothes they need to put on accourding to their gender. But all in all that is just the way younger kid are because they are born and don't know the right and wrong or the do's and don't or what things are reflected toward their gender because all they are doing is see what life is.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Everyday is something new
All of a sudden, i found myself thinking sociologically when i was at lunch. I was sitting at my table with the rest of my friends enjoying my lunch when my one friend next to me decided to start shooting food off of a blown up sandwich bag (kinda like a blob) just because one of the guys started doing it cause they thought it was funny. After i while i had started to notice that they were the only ones doing it the rest of the guys at the end of the table were doing it to and giving then stuff to shoot and encouraging and laughing along with them. When i had thought to myself the only reason they are shoot stuff off a blown up sand which bag it because my two friends were doing. And they were having fun and ontop of it not getting in trouble or caught by the teacher or who ever was on lunch duty that day. So over all that when i had caught my self thinking sociologically because all the guys at the one end of the table were all acting the same cause they all wanted to fit in at the moment when they were shoot stuff off of a blown up sandwich bag.
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